October 23, 2011


Back up for a sweet little story. Isabella has been waiting a really long time to get MVP. She told me at the beginning of the season, "MOM...I REALLY want to get MVP because I really want to go on a vacation!" It took me a few minutes and I smiled and said, "Sweetheart, you get a trip to Islands...but that is a restaurant, not a vacation!"... "Oh, do I get to take a boat there?". Probably the only girl who is so use to going to Hawaii that you say Islands and she thinks vacation. It is still one of my favorite stories.

Well, yesterday Isabella finally won her trip to Islands. She played awesome!! Better than we have ever seen from her. She ran the whole game (Evidence by her beat red cheeks) not a lackadaisical run but her real trying hard run, she played great defense not letting those girls score, she covered girls, she stomped on the ball and spun it back several times, she dribbled down the field well and she didn't loose her head once from the game. She said, "But I didn't score a goal"...and we told her "See, you don't have to score a goal to be MVP...you were trying so hard"! GO BELLA!


Meagan Kenney said...

Go Bella! Love that story, what a sweetheart!

Holly Lombardo said...


Rebecca Titone said...

We knew she would be great! So proud of her!