February 13, 2012

Valentine's 11, 12 and 13!

Saturday was a low key day, as Daddy had to work and we pittered around the house. I did some cleaning and baking. Saturday night we had Breakfast for dinner (per Bella's request for several days)  and that served as my Valentine for the day. Waffles and egg scramble. Yum, Yum!

Sunday they got Peep hearts!

We met our family for an early dinner. The kids got super spoiled by their grandparents and even special treats from Jon! Us girls got spoiled with flowers from Grammy and Popi, treats and baked goodies from Grammy Alice and Papa Joe. It was great!
And today: You make my heart bounce!

Today Isabella is off school. Vicent now has the cold Isabella battled all last week and she still has her cough. So on this rainy day, we are staying inside. I am trying to finish up several orders and the kids are resting watching cartoons! <3 being home!

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