May 1, 2010


I never knew I would actually love gardening as much as I have grown to. I find it fun and relaxing, albeit a ton of work. But that ton of work is giving me exercise and keeping my mind off being on a diet. The hours fly by. I have a window of about 2-3 hours that I garden in the afternoon while Vincent is sleeping. Otherwise he gets all wet with the watering can and muddy from sitting in Sister's garden. 

I have added the same fence I put around Isabella's patch around the rest of the sections and out front. I found which flowers like the sun and I put those out front as well. I planted a ton of bulbs, which I hope will grow soon. I got this adorable Angel, because of course it reminds me of Isabella. And finally, my favorite is my Mary Engelbreit garden flag.

I would love to add some rose bushes for 3 reasons, 1. Isabella Rose and 2.they are my favorite and 3. to cut when they bloom and fill my house with beautiful flowers. All that is missing is a patio table to eat at. I hope both will be coming soon!


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terenjaxteegan said...

I so do not have a green thumb, so good job DOG! See you today!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

love it! gardening is one of those things that evolve over time and you learn as you go....i love it!

Meagan Kenney said...

Oooh, you're geraniums looks great! They don't do very well here in the summers though :( Everything is looking great, good work mama!

Rebecca Titone said...

Oh Becky, it looks soooo pretty. I love it. Happiness is blooming all around your house!