May 31, 2010

Tear Jerkers

This weekend I read 'The Last Song'. A week or so ago, I finished "Dear John" (also watched the movie right after). I love Nicholas Sparks! He always moves me to tears in his novels. I am so looking forward to seeing the movie. I have two more Nicholas Sparks books lined up on my shelf to read next, "At First Sight" and "True Believer". I laid on the couch this afternoon with the sun shinning on me while reading and I thought, 'This is perfect.' Gosh, I love books! 


Meagan Kenney said...

Just watched Dear John night before last-total "ugly" cry at the end, I mean I was sobbing! Must be the! I read the book a while ago, did the movie end differently than the book, or was that me? I will have to get those other two you have lined up, haven't read those yet... enjoy!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

i want to see that! i love him too....have you read "the marriage"? great too :)