Process is going great on the floors! However, I am stuck in my Room for the 3rd day. I have no kids (Vincent is with Papa Joe and Bella at school). Sadly, nothing good is on TV at the moment. I had this big hope of cleaning and organizing everything upstairs, but when I started organizing my room it made it into a bigger mess than it already has been from living in here the past few days. Oh and did I mention I have a cold. So, not the ideal situation for me, but I am so looking forward to them being done and getting everything back to place!! I guess that is what next week will consist of! AND I have Starbucks (that makes everything better)!
Hope everyone is well. Love to all!
Boo to the cold! I bet when you get back to using the down stairs, you'll take any upstairs clutter with you. You're a great organizer!
Yum...pazookie is the BEST! Hope your life is back in order soon! xo
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