January 20, 2011

Daddy Date

Last night Chris took Isabella for an Ice Cream date. He won't be home tonight or tomorrow night so he wanted to do something special with her. Anyhow, Cold Stone was closed so they went to BJs for Pazookie and a Benet.

Process is going great on the floors! However, I am stuck in my Room for the 3rd day. I have no kids (Vincent is with Papa Joe and Bella at school). Sadly, nothing good is on TV at the moment. I had this big hope of cleaning and organizing everything upstairs, but when I started organizing my room it made it into a bigger mess than it already has been from living in here the past few days. Oh and did I mention I have a cold. So, not the ideal situation for me, but I am so looking forward to them being done and getting everything back to place!! I guess that is what next week will consist of! AND I have Starbucks (that makes everything better)!

Hope everyone is well. Love to all!
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Rebecca Titone said...

Boo to the cold! I bet when you get back to using the down stairs, you'll take any upstairs clutter with you. You're a great organizer!

Meagan Kenney said...

Yum...pazookie is the BEST! Hope your life is back in order soon! xo