Isabella lost her FIRST TOOTH!!!

Last night at dinner she bit into a potato and her tooth started to bleed. She was so upset, but knew that if her tooth bleed it meant it would be coming out soon. We told her just to leave it alone and it would fall out. This morning when I came back from Boot Camp, she was waiting at the door for me. She started talking and I said, "WAIT A MINUTE!" and told her there was no tooth there!! She ran upstairs and found the tooth in her bed which must have fallen out sometime in the night. She was so excited and ran to show Daddy! Then she had to call Grammy and even Popi at work. It is so cute. She is excited to put her tooth in her super adorable tooth pillow that Grammy Alice made her out of Fancy Nancy cowgirl material (how Isabella can that be!?)! I guess we officially have a big girl!
I can't believe her first tooth is out! Ah, how time lies. And grammy Alice is the best. That is too cute!
P.S. I am glad it just fell out, I am so nervous to have to pull a tooth!
OMGoodness! I can't believe both of our little loves lost their tooth in the same week! Yay Bella!
AND the EXCACT same tooth for that matter! How is cool is that!? Maddie will be so excited to see this when she gets home from school!
yeah!! go Bella!!! cutest tooth pillow ever :)
Sooooo, out of curiousity how much does the tooth fairy pay these days- wondering if the tooth fairy needs to take out a loan for this kinda stuff coming up with her own kiddos. =)
T - we gave her $2...She was just excited to see money :)
So many kids losing teeth lately! How funny that Bella and Maddie lost theirs so close together. I'm so glad she found it in her bed - that would have been so sad if she couldn't find it. And very cute pillow :)
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