On Friday after school (1st collage), we colored Easter eggs. The kids had so much fun painting and coloring! Love them in Popi's old tshirts. I let them get completely messy and thankfully, the stain wasn't as bad to get out as we thought!
On Saturday (2nd collage) it was time to make our annual bunny cake! We had two extra little hands helping us this year! He was super in to pouring the ingredients in and decorating with jelly beans.
Easter Morning (3rd collage), the kids had much fun checking out what the Easter bunny left in their baskets. Mainly things to use on vacation. Isabella was super excited that the bunny knew she LOVES Barbie!
These last two collages are of our Easter dinner at Grammy and Popi's house and the always fun Easter egg hunt!! Doesn't Isabella look so grown up? She was so excited about her high heels she was wearing. And, Vincent wouldn't wear his Easter shoes...had to be fire-boots!
What a glorious day of celebration!

seriously! what happened to April! Went by way too fast far me! Isabella looks so grown up and adorable...love her dress :)....Lilly picked shoes with a wedge for Easter and kept talking about how they are two inches high! lol....Bubba and his boots! Gotta love it ALL :)
Super cute! Love the necklace, love the boots, love this song!!!
Beautiful pictures, but I loved Vincent's outfit with the fire boots the best! So adorable!
I want Isabella's dress in my size!
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