May 26, 2011

Lord, Help Me!

Do you ever find yourself saying something over and over throughout the day? Well for me, I always find myself saying, under my breath, "Lord, Help Me". I am not being sarcastic. I am actually asking Him to help me. I am asking for some patience and guidance. In my house, I try to enforce the "play with one thing, put it back when you are done, play with another thing" rule and that seems to work for us. Until there are visitors. When there are visitors, the kids know that goes out the window and they ransack everything! So when I went upstairs yesterday and saw this mess, I said, "Lord, Help Me!"


Munchie's Soap Box said...

OMG! Looks like they were having lots of fun but.....visitors must also clean up! lol

Holly Lombardo said...

W I L D W E D N E S D A Y S = W I N E W E D N E S D A Y S!!!!

Meagan Kenney said...

I repeat all day long, "God, give me patience!" I feel your pain! LOL! I like Holly's comment ;)