May 2, 2011

Couldn't be more behind!

On cleaning,organizing, grocery shopping, exercising blogging, life....

I feel so behind! Catching up after vacation is HARD!

I thought I left the house semi-clean,but it turns out every surface is just disgusting since we also left the morning after Easter. I am behind on my blogging with so much to share. I am in the negative on my weight loss. Behind on my exercising. Behind on my grocery shopping. Behind on my 'family' schedule...and May is such a busy month. Lord, help me!

BUT I would never change our time away. We had an amazing time as a family and making those memories with my children & husband is one of those things I will always cherish. With being behind on all of this, you think I would be motivated...however, I am still in vacation mode and all I want to do is finish a book I downloaded and read more of the series!!

I will catch you all up shortly...Already working on my Easter collages...Love to you all, friends!

1 comment:

Munchie's Soap Box said...

I hear you! I haven't been able to get back into my workouts since we got back a month ago!'s so worth it though!....i love this family pic too...Vince looks so big!