April 3, 2010

Easter Fun, Cont.

After another great meeting with a Bride (Thanks Bianca!) for invitations...we made our way to Grammy's house where we made cupcakes and dyed Easter eggs! Isabella loves baking and decorating the cupcakes, almost as much as she loves eating the batter (she is my child!). And she loved dying the Easter eggs all different colors and then painting them with glitter paint that she picked out at the store. Vincent even joined in the action! Bella can't wait for the Easter Bunny to come tonight while she is sleeping! I wonder if he will put "Stuff" in her basket or just candy?! (See the post a few below about the broken heart, if you didn't read it!)...


terenjaxteegan said...

Look at Vin! Getting soooooo big! Happy Easter dog.

Caitlin Rodriguez said...

Looks like a fun filled day! Vincent is so big!

Holly Lombardo said...

Love all the pics! Especially the 1st one, I do the same thing!!!!