April 14, 2010

Garden Grow...

Today was Ms. Amanda's first day babysitting! Isabella was so excited because she wanted Ms. Amanda to help plant her garden with her. Isabella requested Marigolds and Tomatoes so those she got (along with some carrots, radishes, squash and zucchini - thanks to Holly's cousin April for the suggestions!) She also has a bird house and a few other doodads! Next is my turn to work on the rest of the backyard. Thank you Ms. Amanda for all of your hard work! We are so happy with Bella's garden!!
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Holly Lombardo said...

SO CUTE!!!!!! I can't wait to get my veggies growing too, good work Bella and Amanda!

Meagan Kenney said...

Precious! The garden looks so cute and what a fun idea...I might have to steal that one! ;) And you are SOOOOO lucky to have a woman you trust be able to come over and be a mommy-helper!

Amanda Roe said...

How cute! What a perfect space for her garden. I hope you were able to get a lot accomplished while Amanda was there!!