November 27, 2009
Aunt Doris turns 90!
November 25, 2009
- God
- Jesus Christ, his son
- My faith in Eternal Life
- That I was kept in this world only weighing 2.5lbs
- That I have found my soul mate...
- That I can share his laughter and life
- My Father, who shows me a real man can be sensitive and strong, giving and loving
- My Mother, who is selfless and encourages me and lives with struggle every day but tries not to complain
- Motherhood
- My Family
- The ability...To See
- To Touch
- To Feel
- To Love
- To Hear
- To Walk
- To Smile
- To Laugh
- To Hope
- My Isabella
- My Vincent
- My Sisters, there will always be a power of 3
- Aunt Diane, who has shown me you can live happily even after loss.
- Alice, who always has a smile on her face
- Joe, who is always willing to help
- Nick who has the best sense of humor over his disability
- My in-laws (above) because they have welcomed me into their family
- Old friends: Teren, Caitlin, Holly, Rebecca, Vanessa, Christie, Yolanda,Melanie, Amanda - Friends forever!
- Bianca, who can always make me laugh and has been there countless times.
- New friends: Meagan and Lauren; preschool moms and moms club friends
- The sun shining
- The fresh air
- Our home
- College saving funds and my husband who has already started them
- The encouragement I am given daily
- That I was taught the value of family and respect
- Grandpa Vincent & Grandma Virginia
- Grandpa Andy & Grandma Jessie
- My college education
- That I am an American
- That there are still people who hold open doors for you when you are trying to push a two child stroller through
- That there are still people who will say "thank you" when you hold a door open for them
- Doctors and Medicine
- That when I make mistakes, I learn from them
- For my camera and the ability to document my children's life
- For the computer, as it is an outlet for me and Chris
- My Guardian Angels in Heaven
- Always having food available
- Traveling (Family Vacations) and the means to do so
- Authors that write so many amazing books I love to read
- For the emails I get from my Dad just to say he loves me and hopes that I am having a great day with Bella and Bub
- For the time I get to spend with my Husband alone
- Being happy
- Creativity
- When Chris says, "Who cares what they think!"
- Blankets and Cold pillows at night
- Laptops
- Music
- Disney movies and Disneyland
- Hot Tea, Ice Tea, Coffee
- The Anxiety I have battled, because it has taught me I can handle more than I think
- Isabella's preschool and teachers - she can write her name by herself now
- Facebook/My Blog so I can stay updated with friends
- Isabella saying, "You are the bestest Mother in the whole world!"
- Vincent's excitement when he sees me in the morning
- Honesty and truth
- Trust
- Prayer
- Childhood Memories - my Mom being there to pick me up and drop me off at school and my Parents being at every function - because it taught me I was/am loved
- Baseball
- Christmas and Holidays - Christmas songs
- Family Traditions - there are no greater things
- Phone
- Smiles & Laughter
- The colors on my walls - brightens my day
- Roses and flowers; gardening
- Random emails from friends
- Isabella learning to pray and knowing "Our Father" and others
- High School Cheerleading
- College, Alpha Chi Omega, CSUF and meeting my future husband
- Two napping children (even though it doesn't happen often)
- When people tell me they love my work
- Making Brides happy
- Television; Reality
- The wonderful Father Chris is and the smile he puts on our kid's faces
- Google Chat
- The wonder in my children's eyes
- Having a Dad who can tackle any project
- Having a Mom who is creative
- The love my parents give Isabella and Vincent
- Baby Kisses
- Staying home with my kids
- Nie Nie Dialouges
- Higher patience levels
- Movies and watching them on the laptop while Chris plays xbox and the kids play toys - the ability to multi-task
- Watching Isabella become independent
- Friday night dinners
- Target
- Wine and Candles
November 23, 2009
Beck and I made this "pact" the other day.We would remain friends forever,this is very attainable.Cait is in the "pact" too, We have been friends for a long time,I am not worried.These girls have seen me at my worst and at my best.I have thought much on friends this week and their importance.Girlfriends are irreplaceable.I have learned that over the last few years,and the sad thing is I had to go through a horrible event to come to this realization.I was wrong for many years and pushed girlfriends who I loved very much out,I have grown up and I am blessed that those girls are now in my life again.Melanie and Kim.I had a great opportunity to spend time with Kim this weekend and it was like time had not changed us. We sat on the beach, past midnight, on a life guard tower, having a beer, and talking.I forgot how much Kim gets me, I am sad that I threw away those years of friendship.I have made new friends over the past few years that I treasure daily.Rebecca & Mariah.I know these girls will be in my life from here on, I am thankful for that.I will not purely sugarcoat things, I have lost friends too, but sometimes there are friends you need to put aside for your own health and well being, or maybe they put you aside. That's ok too.I have learned women can be very judgemental, yes, we gossip, sometimes over dramatize things, and are emotional. But women need one another, there are things that we can tell our husbands, boyfriends, dads, sons, brothers, etc. but there are also somethings only your girlfriends can understand, for they know your heart. So to my girlfriends, YOU ROCK!!!! xoxox
So to Teren and all of my girlfriends I want to reply:
Amen Sister! I have grown and matured so much as a women and friend over the past couple of years. I have put expectations aside and learned to accept what people can give, becoming more compassionate and understanding, while still giving as much as I can for you all. I have learned that I deserve respect and appreciation and the one gift I can give you is my honesty. If ever I do anything to make you mad or frustrated, please just say so. The mistake I have made twice is not sharing my feelings until I get to a breaking point. I have apologized and thank God that we can all be friends again and move past the mistakes. I have missed years just because of loosing touch. I have best friends in my mom and sisters who will always be there for me. I have seen my friends mature and become strong, independent, wonderful hold a special place in my heart and I love you all!
November 19, 2009
New neighbors + A MESS
So I haven't told y'all that we have the MOST AWESOME new neighbors! My prayers were totally answered. Lauren and David (our age) have 4 boys. Jacob is 10 (Lauren's stepson), Jared is 4, Connor is 2 and Carson is 5 months old. Since they have moved in, Isabella has been over to play several times. She loves "the boys". The other night them came over to play for a while at our house. Yes, we have mostly girl stuff, but they played Barbies, My Little Pony, the kitchen and Smart Cycle. The kids have a great time together. Lauren is super sweet!! She likes to scrapbook and I think we are going to take a sewing class together! WOO HOO for new friends! My mind is at ease having them next door to me. Another step in making Chino Hills more of our home!
The other day Isabella asked to take a picture with me :)
And PS... Do you Redbox?! Isabella and I are addicted!!!! It is $1 per rental for the day. Can't beat that. Much better than buying her every DVD that she wants. When do I have time for movies you ask? Well...I am the queen of doing a bazillion things at once!

November 15, 2009
Road Trip
This morning the kids were up early again. So we packed up and went to breakfast at Planet Hollywood. Found a yummy buffet there because Isabella wanted "you know, that place where you can walk around and pick out your own food!". While Daddy watched the first half of the Rams game, the kids and I did some more shopping around the Miracle Mile shops. Then home it was time to head to Grandpa Bob's birthday dinner. (Below in the pictures it was so sweet because Vincent kept giving Sissy kisses).
Both mornings while we headed out early, Chris and I saw people just heading in from their wild nights. We commented on "that being the life" walking down the strip at 8 in the morning with beer. And it might have been a life we use to lead in the college days, but you know what, I wouldn't change our trips and life now for anything. I don't think Chris would either.
On our way home, we went to Grammy Alice and Papa Joe's to celebrate Great Grandpa Bob's birthday! We had fun visiting, eating yummy turkey and drinkin' wine. Oh, I also broke my phone when I slammed the trunk on its screen. So, don't text me. I will get a new one tomorrow. And over the weekend I read a really cute book called "Over the Holidays". Hmm...what to read next!?
Have a wonderful week everyone :) I have a birthday party to plan this week!! xox
Christmas Email
November 13, 2009
Quotes on Faith from a 4 year old...
- "God has the whole world in his hands...He sleeps holding it! And he protects us from Monsters getting on Earth."
- "The Angels hold the other side of the world!"
- "God is really sad when I don't listen to you Mom."
- "Mommy, is this food from God?" "Yes, Isabella." "Oh, THANK YOU GOD....this is YUMMY!!"
- "Mommy, I'm going to Heaven soon." "I don't think so Bella." "Yah, I am...because they don't have boo-boos in Heaven. And boo-boos really hurt me and make me cry!"
- "Is Jesus upset with me Mommy?"
- "I am a child of God."
November 12, 2009
Chris, Bella and Vincent ate the muffins in bed while I got ready for the day. As I was making the bed after they had all deserted the room, I picked up the plate and empty wrappers. There all over the bed were crumbs. I actually teared up. I was taken back to a time when I was about Isabella's age and my Grandma Piraino was really sick. We would lay in her bed together and eat Crackers. I have to ask my Mom why we always ate salteen crackers, maybe there wasn't much my Grandma could stomach or maybe I just liked them? My Grandpa Vince would always tease me saying, "Who got crumbs all over my bed?!"....An insignifigant memory to most, but I really don't remember very much of my Gradma because she passed away when I was still little. I do know that they would have LOVED Isabella to pieces because she would have reminded them a lot of another little girl.
November 11, 2009
November 10, 2009
Romance in the Bay Area

Saturday we slept in, went to the gym and headed out for some coffee. The weather was brisk and beautiful. We went shopping at Union Square Macys. Chris bought himself some ties (I LOVE shopping for ties) and picked out an adorable Christmas dress for Isabella. We took the Trolley down to Fisherman's wharf and had some yummy Clam Chowder! Funniest part: Chris was watching the boats off the pier and all of a sudden he got soaked by water, no warning at all!! Poor thing was freezing and sucked it up while I laughed "with" him! We went out for steak dinner that night and I even did some reading (read a really cute book over the weekend).
Sunday morning we headed down to the Ritz at Half Moon Bay. GORGEOUS! The Ritz gave me a rose for our anniversary. So sweet! We hung out, went to the gym and had a really nice dinner at the hotel and went back to our room to make S'mores on our patio fire pit. LOVED IT!! Monday morning we took a walk along the coastal trail, had breakfast and took off for home to see our babies!
Thank you Chris for a perfect weekend! I enjoyed our talks, walks, and time together! Thank you Grandparents for your willingness to watch our children so we could spend some time away! You are AWESOME and we love you very much!!!
What are you doing Belle??
November 5, 2009
5 years ago...

- The way he makes me laugh
- Silliness and the ability to not take anything TOO serious
- Positive outlook and optimism
- Ability to turn my worst situation into something I can handle
- Romantic nature
- Way he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world
- Way he make me feel safe and secure
- Hard work ethic and dedication - successfulness
- Honesty
- How completely comfortable I am with him - even doing nothing but watching TV
- Way he stands up for the things he believes in and believes are right
- How smart he is
- His thoughtfulness of me
- Man of character
- How he has embraced my family as his own
- Do anything to help his family/friends
- Forgiveness
- His way with children - know he will be a wonderful Father
- His confidence in me...that I can do anything even when I think I can't
- Humbleness - Doesn't care what others thing or about superficial things
- Ability to march to his own drum

November 4, 2009
Play Date
Also, I LOVED my Halloween wreath so much that I had to make a Fall one :) It turned out cute!
November 1, 2009
Boo-tiful Halloween
The Guys watching a little football.
The power of three!
So excited to collect some candy.
Vince's first door!
This was hilarious. Popi would wheel Vin right up to the door. They would put candy in his tray and he would pick it up and put it in his bucket which I was holding. It was so cute.