Before Chris and I were married we had to go to counseling classes with Father Mariano who married us. We sat in a room with a bunch of other couples and we completed this scantron test. The compatibility test. I was so nervous that day going to class. So many thoughts ran through my head, namely, 'what if we fail? will that mean we shouldn't get married?'. Of course Chris thought I was nuts for even having these thoughts. So we took the test and the next week or so we went back to meet with Father Mariano one on one. I was convinced he was going to tell us we were not a match. Do you know what Father Mariano said?? He said..."I have never seen a couple get this high a level of compatibility on this test"!!! And the area we were dinged on was something that I mis-read the question. THANK GOD! Chris hit my knee and I just started laughing....

Before we were married I wrote down all the things I love(d) about Chris. I recently found that list tucked inside a journal that told our engagement story through my eyes. Here is the list (I was not being grammatically correct):
- The way he makes me laugh
- Silliness and the ability to not take anything TOO serious
- Positive outlook and optimism
- Ability to turn my worst situation into something I can handle
- Romantic nature
- Way he makes me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world
- Way he make me feel safe and secure
- Hard work ethic and dedication - successfulness
- Honesty
- How completely comfortable I am with him - even doing nothing but watching TV
- Way he stands up for the things he believes in and believes are right
- How smart he is
- His thoughtfulness of me
- Man of character
- How he has embraced my family as his own
- Do anything to help his family/friends
- Forgiveness
- His way with children - know he will be a wonderful Father
- His confidence in me...that I can do anything even when I think I can't
- Humbleness - Doesn't care what others thing or about superficial things
- Ability to march to his own drum

Five years ago I said these words to Chris on that most perfect day:
I promise to give you the best of myself and to ask of you no more than you can give.
I promise to respect you as your own person and to realize that your interests, desires and needs are no less important than my own.
I promise to share with you my time and my attention and to bring joy, strength and imagination to our relationship.
I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you see through the window of my world into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams.
I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face new challenges in order to keep our relationship alive and exciting.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all I feel inside. In the only way I know how, Completely and Forever.
I meant every single word I said on our wedding day and on that list of reasons why I love you. I knew without a doubt that becoming your wife was what I wanted most in this world. But the funny thing is, my love for you has grown deeper and stronger than what I felt that day. I thank God for you. You have talked me through anxiety and fear. You have shared tears of joy with me when our children were born. You have experienced new sights with me. You have sat up and talked with me when I needed it most. You have let me cry to you. You have laughed with me at nothing at all. You have given me two beautiful children. You have provided me with the dream of staying home. You have overlooked my spending habits too many times without saying a word. You have forgiven my stubbornness. You have embraced my passion for throwing a party here and there that might go a little overboard. You have taught me not to care what others think, but to live my life as I think is right. You have put my needs and that of our children before your own. You have seen me grow from a college girl to a mother, from your friend to your wife. You have put your faith in me.
When I see your face when you walk in the door after work, I know the world is going to be okay.I know that I am going to be okay because I have you by my side. My heart melts when I see the smile our children put on your face and when we get to experience things as a family.They say girls marry someone like their Father. I can truly say that the qualities I am seeing in you as you grow into the man and Father I always knew you would be are the same ones I have admired about my own Dad. And if Isabella finds someone like you someday I know that she will be one lucky girl and that I will have nothing to worry about because he will fill her heart with so much joy and take care of her until no end...just as you have me.
Our future is as bright as we make it together. You complete me!

Happy 5th Anniversary!
So Beautiful Becky! So glad I was there to see this love story begin! Have a great trip!
Love you guys!
Aw Beck! I'm seriously choking up over here. It is so wonderful to see people in love who truly understand the meaning of family and marriage. I am so happy for you guys! Here's to the next 60 years! XOXOXO
So sweet Becky! Happy Anniversary! We had to take that FOCUS test too, and I remember being scared about the results too. Congrats on 5 years!
That was so heartwarming. You both are an amazing couple. I am inspired by your marriage too! Love you so much and hope you have a wonderful anniversary. God Bless you both!
Happy Anniversary! I am so happy for you both! Congratulations! (Becky, I love how sappy you are, you make me cry!)
*tear* You are so sweet. I love the part about overlooking spending habits, lol!
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