So I haven't told y'all that we have the MOST AWESOME new neighbors! My prayers were totally answered. Lauren and David (our age) have 4 boys. Jacob is 10 (Lauren's stepson), Jared is 4, Connor is 2 and Carson is 5 months old. Since they have moved in, Isabella has been over to play several times. She loves "the boys". The other night them came over to play for a while at our house. Yes, we have mostly girl stuff, but they played Barbies, My Little Pony, the kitchen and Smart Cycle. The kids have a great time together. Lauren is super sweet!! She likes to scrapbook and I think we are going to take a sewing class together! WOO HOO for new friends! My mind is at ease having them next door to me. Another step in making Chino Hills more of our home!
The other day Isabella asked to take a picture with me :)
And tonight, while I was prepping some Enchiladas for dinner...Tornados Isabella and Vincent HIT the kitchen!!!! Isabella said it was a tea party and she was cooking pumpkin pie (see the pumpkin in the pan), etc. I love them so much and some how the Lord has helped me with my patience level! The joys of children. Vincent has been in every cupboard and drawer recently. So curious! Oh, and we cleaned this up and you would never know it happened!
And PS... Do you Redbox?! Isabella and I are addicted!!!! It is $1 per rental for the day. Can't beat that. Much better than buying her every DVD that she wants. When do I have time for movies you ask? Well...I am the queen of doing a bazillion things at once!

Love the mess in the kitchen! Mine looks the same everyday about 5 pm! LOL! And yes, we Redbox too! Love it! And love the fact that you can return at any location!
I've never heard of redbox! They probably don't have it in Canada.
You have a lot more patience than me, I would have flipped out if Mia did that in the kitchen.
Yay for new neighbors, I hope we get some awesome ones once we find a place.
Love the new neighbors! Can't wait to meet them.
And my kids get the pan lids and slam them together following each other around the house, saying they are a marching band.
And then when they want to drive me insane, they take all the Tupperware out of the cupboards... bowls, lids, cups, everything plastic. Takes forever to put it all back!
Love the red box! Love the mess, I actually gave my boys a cabinet and they can play with the stuff in that cabinet. :) It works for me.
Good news about the neighbors and the patience level! lol.....I'm praying for some good neighbors next door too but one that comes w/ a teenage babysitter! :) Love the mess in the kitchen too!
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