November 23, 2009


I went on Teren's blog this morning and I read this....

Beck and I made this "pact" the other day.We would remain friends forever,this is very attainable.Cait is in the "pact" too, We have been friends for a long time,I am not worried.These girls have seen me at my worst and at my best.I have thought much on friends this week and their importance.Girlfriends are irreplaceable.I have learned that over the last few years,and the sad thing is I had to go through a horrible event to come to this realization.I was wrong for many years and pushed girlfriends who I loved very much out,I have grown up and I am blessed that those girls are now in my life again.Melanie and Kim.I had a great opportunity to spend time with Kim this weekend and it was like time had not changed us. We sat on the beach, past midnight, on a life guard tower, having a beer, and talking.I forgot how much Kim gets me, I am sad that I threw away those years of friendship.I have made new friends over the past few years that I treasure daily.Rebecca & Mariah.I know these girls will be in my life from here on, I am thankful for that.I will not purely sugarcoat things, I have lost friends too, but sometimes there are friends you need to put aside for your own health and well being, or maybe they put you aside. That's ok too.I have learned women can be very judgemental, yes, we gossip, sometimes over dramatize things, and are emotional. But women need one another, there are things that we can tell our husbands, boyfriends, dads, sons, brothers, etc. but there are also somethings only your girlfriends can understand, for they know your heart. So to my girlfriends, YOU ROCK!!!! xoxox

So to Teren and all of my girlfriends I want to reply:

Amen Sister! I have grown and matured so much as a women and friend over the past couple of years. I have put expectations aside and learned to accept what people can give, becoming more compassionate and understanding, while still giving as much as I can for you all. I have learned that I deserve respect and appreciation and the one gift I can give you is my honesty. If ever I do anything to make you mad or frustrated, please just say so. The mistake I have made twice is not sharing my feelings until I get to a breaking point. I have apologized and thank God that we can all be friends again and move past the mistakes. I have missed years just because of loosing touch. I have best friends in my mom and sisters who will always be there for me. I have seen my friends mature and become strong, independent, wonderful hold a special place in my heart and I love you all!


terenjaxteegan said...

I am glad you took my words to heart. Love ya!!!!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

Aw! I feel the same way Becky! Life has a way of teaching us so much about friendship and what really matters when it comes to friends. The past few years I try to not think about what that friend does or doesn't do for me but how much of a friend I am to other words to have a good friend you must be a good friend first.