November 12, 2009


This morning when Isabella woke up we made muffins for Daddy and took them upstairs with some coffee for breakfast in bed.

Chris, Bella and Vincent ate the muffins in bed while I got ready for the day. As I was making the bed after they had all deserted the room, I picked up the plate and empty wrappers. There all over the bed were crumbs. I actually teared up. I was taken back to a time when I was about Isabella's age and my Grandma Piraino was really sick. We would lay in her bed together and eat Crackers. I have to ask my Mom why we always ate salteen crackers, maybe there wasn't much my Grandma could stomach or maybe I just liked them? My Grandpa Vince would always tease me saying, "Who got crumbs all over my bed?!"....An insignifigant memory to most, but I really don't remember very much of my Gradma because she passed away when I was still little. I do know that they would have LOVED Isabella to pieces because she would have reminded them a lot of another little girl.

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Bianca said...

It's been 5 years my grandmother passed away and I miss her everyday. It's the things that seem insignificant at the time that bring her back in the most significant ways!

Munchie's Soap Box said...

That's exactly how I paternal grandmother passed away in January when I was pregnant w/ Luke....time spent with her was precious and though I'm one of over 20 grandkids on that side she always made everyone feel special.

terenjaxteegan said...

How nice to have Chris home! And I am sure your grandma was watching down this morning and thinking how proud she is of you and your amazing family.

Meagan Kenney said...

What a sweet memory! How fun that Chris has been off work all week!

Rebecca Titone said...

Oh Mommy, you are just the best, and your little girl is turning out just like you! So sweet, loving and thoughtful.