November 25, 2009


On my list of 101 things to do was write 100 things I am thankful for. What better time to do this than on THANKSGIVING! Before you read my list, I would like to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday with their family. Please know I am Thankful for you all in more ways than I can explain!!!

  1. God
  2. Jesus Christ, his son
  3. My faith in Eternal Life
  4. That I was kept in this world only weighing 2.5lbs
  5. That I have found my soul mate...
  6. That I can share his laughter and life
  7. My Father, who shows me a real man can be sensitive and strong, giving and loving
  8. My Mother, who is selfless and encourages me and lives with struggle every day but tries not to complain
  9. Motherhood
  10. My Family
  11. The ability...To See
  12. To Touch
  13. To Feel
  14. To Love
  15. To Hear
  16. To Walk
  17. To Smile
  18. To Laugh
  19. To Hope
  20. My Isabella
  21. My Vincent
  22. My Sisters, there will always be a power of 3
  23. Aunt Diane, who has shown me you can live happily even after loss.
  24. Alice, who always has a smile on her face
  25. Joe, who is always willing to help
  26. Nick who has the best sense of humor over his disability
  27. My in-laws (above) because they have welcomed me into their family
  28. Old friends: Teren, Caitlin, Holly, Rebecca, Vanessa, Christie, Yolanda,Melanie, Amanda - Friends forever!
  29. Bianca, who can always make me laugh and has been there countless times.
  30. New friends: Meagan and Lauren; preschool moms and moms club friends
  31. The sun shining
  32. The fresh air
  33. Our home
  34. College saving funds and my husband who has already started them
  35. The encouragement I am given daily
  36. That I was taught the value of family and respect
  37. Grandpa Vincent & Grandma Virginia
  38. Grandpa Andy & Grandma Jessie
  39. My college education
  40. That I am an American
  41. That there are still people who hold open doors for you when you are trying to push a two child stroller through
  42. That there are still people who will say "thank you" when you hold a door open for them
  43. Doctors and Medicine
  44. That when I make mistakes, I learn from them
  45. For my camera and the ability to document my children's life
  46. For the computer, as it is an outlet for me and Chris
  47. My Guardian Angels in Heaven
  48. Always having food available
  49. Traveling (Family Vacations) and the means to do so
  50. Authors that write so many amazing books I love to read
  51. For the emails I get from my Dad just to say he loves me and hopes that I am having a great day with Bella and Bub
  52. For the time I get to spend with my Husband alone
  53. Being happy
  54. Creativity
  55. When Chris says, "Who cares what they think!"
  56. Blankets and Cold pillows at night
  57. Laptops
  58. Music
  59. Disney movies and Disneyland
  60. Hot Tea, Ice Tea, Coffee
  61. The Anxiety I have battled, because it has taught me I can handle more than I think
  62. Isabella's preschool and teachers - she can write her name by herself now
  63. Facebook/My Blog so I can stay updated with friends
  64. Isabella saying, "You are the bestest Mother in the whole world!"
  65. Vincent's excitement when he sees me in the morning
  66. Honesty and truth
  67. Trust
  68. Prayer
  69. Childhood Memories - my Mom being there to pick me up and drop me off at school and my Parents being at every function - because it taught me I was/am loved
  70. Baseball
  71. Christmas and Holidays - Christmas songs
  72. Family Traditions - there are no greater things
  73. Phone
  74. Smiles & Laughter
  75. The colors on my walls - brightens my day
  76. Roses and flowers; gardening
  77. Random emails from friends
  78. Isabella learning to pray and knowing "Our Father" and others
  79. High School Cheerleading
  80. College, Alpha Chi Omega, CSUF and meeting my future husband
  81. Two napping children (even though it doesn't happen often)
  82. When people tell me they love my work
  83. Making Brides happy
  84. Television; Reality
  85. The wonderful Father Chris is and the smile he puts on our kid's faces
  86. Google Chat
  87. The wonder in my children's eyes
  88. Having a Dad who can tackle any project
  89. Having a Mom who is creative
  90. The love my parents give Isabella and Vincent
  91. Baby Kisses
  92. Staying home with my kids
  93. Nie Nie Dialouges
  94. Higher patience levels
  95. Movies and watching them on the laptop while Chris plays xbox and the kids play toys - the ability to multi-task
  96. Watching Isabella become independent
  97. Friday night dinners
  98. Target
  99. Wine and Candles


Meagan Kenney said...

Wow! You are such an inspiration to me...I love your outlook on life-always so positive! You set such an example for me and all mothers! And I had no idea btw that you were a preemie! I think that would be a great future blog entry. If you have a scanner you could scan in some pics of yourself as a baby and how you overcame being a "peanut." I am thankful that Amanda introduced us! I know we only hung out a couple times, but we have so much in common and I consider you a blessing to have in my life! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! xoxo

Munchie's Soap Box said...

I absolutely love this post....made me think of things I'm thankful for too but take for granted often! I didn't know you were a premie either! Want to hear more about that when you get a idea....print that list out of 100 things you are grateful for....for those tough days :).....can't wait to see you guys soon..:)

Caitlin Rodriguez said...

Love your list and love you too. I am thankful for you too.

Bianca said...

Wow! Thanks Becky! I am thankful for our friendship on Thanksgiving and the other 364 days of the year!
