March 1, 2011

10 Things To Smile About...

Month of February ... in no particular order!

  1. Valentine's Day + Plus 14 days of Valentines!
  2. Isabella's first softball game!
  3. Cooking dinner for Grammy and Pop + Playing Mexican Train!
  4. Having dinner delivered for a Moms Club friend who just had a baby!
  5. Miss Rylie Love turning ONE + her birthday party!
  6. Having a doctor + getting medicine + getting well!
  7. Valentine's dinner at Grammy Alice and Papa Joe's!
  8. First Father/Daughter dance!
  9. A few 'Invitation' appointments!
  10. Lots of cuddles+movies...even though those came because of being sick!
Looking forward to a new month with hopefully continued health!

1 comment:

Munchie's Soap Box said...

love this list.....despite some bad days lists like this remind us just how blessed and love we are! hope u are having an awesome week :-)