March 25, 2011

Day # 18 - Something you Regret

Although not necessarily regrets, there are three things I will mention here. Nothing is major yet they have all shaped me in some way....

1. I regret not writing down every little thing Isabella or Vincent have said. I regret not writing down funny stories or keeping track of things in their baby books regarding my pregnancy and their growth. I have gone back through and started to write things that I remember in the baby books because it made me too sad thinking I had not done so. It would have been a ton easier had I done this along the way! This has lead to me catching up on baby books and catching up/staying current on photo albums.

2. I regret letting other people sway my decisions and feelings. I relied on other's opinions with friendships and not trusting myself makes me sad. However, had this not happened, I wouldn't be the friend I am today...which I hope is a better friend and person all around.

and finally...

3. I regret not enjoying my carefree years a bit more. Believe me, I would not change my world now for anything and I did have an absolutely awesome time in high school and college. However, I was always looking forward to the next thing to come in my life: graduating, getting married, kids, etc. Had I just been in the moment I think I would have worried less. I would have worried less what others thought of me and less about my weight. I would have just HAD FUN! But now I have learned to have fun in the current 'life' and enjoy the now!


Holly Lombardo said...

Write down words-check! Glad you have this awesome blog keeping track for you tho!

terenjaxteegan said...

Weren't we talking about the simplier days awhile back...when we had no worries.