March 13, 2011

Blog Challenge # 6 ...

...A picture of something that makes you happy.

These are all of my digital photo books that I have had printed. There are each years' family photos, family vacations, the kids' birth, the kids' baptisms, each birthday and holidays. I even have a book of our house being built! I coordinate the linen cover to the event which makes for an array of beautiful colors. Every time I go past these on the upstairs counter, I smile. It gives me peace of mind and makes me extremely happy to know that these books are printed and that most of my pictures are off my computer in a safe place. Every once in a while I will walk by and pull one out randomly to look at the pictures. I am still trying to catch up and I have a list of books that are done but need to be printed: Vincent's 2nd birthday, Christmas 2010, Preschool, Disneyland trips, and all of Ballet. I would also like to venture some day and scan my wedding activities and possibly do a book of Chris and I through the years. Some day I will be completely caught up and just get the books as the event passes ... Hope you can see why these make me HAPPY!


Holly Lombardo said...

LOVE THEM!!! I am starting mine now too :)

Amanda Roe said...

I'm super impressed! I need to do that. I keep saying I do but I REALLY do. What company do you use to print them?

Meagan Kenney said...

What Amanda it! Need to do...

Rebecca Titone said...

I love them. I love my photobooks too! They are so great. I want to look at some of yours!