March 2, 2011

St. Patrick's Decorations

I don't usually decorate for St. Patrick's Day. I make Corn Beef and Cabbage and we wear green, but I usually skip over it and put up my Spring/Easter decor. This year I decided the kids needed it to be a little festive. We use the twine to hang Isabella's school work up throughout the month and I made some green bowed clothespins and hung shamrocks at the two ends (Target). I also shortened my iron tree and Bella helped  me hang Leprechaun Hats from it. Here is their March table...turned out super cute!


Holly Lombardo said...

I can't believe you just whipped this up, its adorable! Come do my house next LOL!

Rebecca Titone said...

I am with Holly, that is so darling! And I love corned beef and cabbage. Can't wait to have it!

Meagan Kenney said...

Okay, you're otta control! I LOVE all your energy to decorate so cute! That table is great! I might steal your twine and artwork idea. Seriously Beck, you're so creative!